How can I pay you?
I accept E-Gift Cards and PayPal (links are down below)
Do you accept E-transfers?
No sorry I do not.
Do you have restrictions for videos?
I do not offer anal videos as my cute little bum isn't trained.
When will you be back offering in person sessions?
I hope in the next coming months, but is all based on what the Government advices. (My little one isn't in daycare so I can not offer sessions anyways as I am now a stay at home mom for the time being lol)
Why are you not offering in person sessions?
My father is very old and has a heart condition, as well as my partners dad has a compromised immune system, and we have cute old grandparents. I will not risk their health, or my families.
How can I help you the most?
PayPal is great for helping me with my bills, and HelloFresh e-giftcards are great for helping me with my food! All the gift cards I have listed are helpful to me, my little one is still in diapers so Walmart and Amazon defiantly help with the pull ups and wipes.

If you would like to donate items in person or drop off gifts please contact me directly.